At How Many Weeks in the Pregnancy Can the Baby Hear

Stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first 24-hour interval of your final normal flow. The weeks are grouped into three trimesters.(TREYE-mess-turs) Detect out what'due south happening with you and your babe in these three stages.

First trimester (week 1–calendar week 12)

During the first trimester your torso undergoes many changes. Hormonal changes touch almost every organ system in your torso. These changes can trigger symptoms even in the very first weeks of pregnancy. Your menses stopping is a clear sign that you are meaning. Other changes may include:

  • Extreme tiredness
  • Tender, swollen breasts. Your nipples might too stick out.
  • Upset tum with or without throwing upwards (morning sickness)
  • Cravings or distaste for certain foods
  • Mood swings
  • Constipation (trouble having bowel movements)
  • Need to laissez passer urine more than ofttimes
  • Headache
  • Heartburn
  • Weight proceeds or loss

As your body changes, yous might need to make changes to your daily routine, such equally going to bed earlier or eating frequent, pocket-size meals. Fortunately, virtually of these discomforts will go away as your pregnancy progresses. And some women might non feel whatsoever discomfort at all! If yous accept been significant before, you might feel differently this time effectually. Only as each woman is unlike, so is each pregnancy.

Second trimester (week 13–week 28)

Nearly women find the second trimester of pregnancy easier than the starting time. But it is just as important to stay informed almost your pregnancy during these months.

You might notice that symptoms like nausea and fatigue are going abroad. But other new, more noticeable changes to your trunk are now happening. Your belly will expand as the infant continues to grow. And before this trimester is over, yous will experience your babe showtime to motility!

As your body changes to make room for your growing baby, you may take:

  • Body aches, such as dorsum, abdomen, groin, or thigh pain
  • Stretch marks on your abdomen, breasts, thighs, or buttocks
  • Darkening of the skin around your nipples
  • A line on the skin running from belly button to pubic hairline
  • Patches of darker skin, usually over the cheeks, forehead, nose, or upper lip. Patches often friction match on both sides of the confront. This is sometimes chosen the mask of pregnancy.
  • Numb or tingling hands, called carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Itching on the abdomen, palms, and soles of the feet. (Phone call your doctor if you have nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, jaundice or fatigue combined with itching. These tin be signs of a serious liver problem.)
  • Swelling of the ankles, fingers, and face. (If you find any sudden or extreme swelling or if yous gain a lot of weight really quickly, call your doctor right abroad. This could be a sign of preeclampsia.)

3rd trimester (week 29–calendar week 40)

You're in the dwelling stretch! Some of the same discomforts you had in your second trimester will go on. Plus, many women discover breathing difficult and notice they accept to go to the bathroom even more than often. This is considering the baby is getting bigger and it is putting more pressure on your organs. Don't worry, your baby is fine and these problems will lessen in one case you lot give birth.

Some new torso changes you might notice in the 3rd trimester include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Heartburn
  • Swelling of the ankles, fingers, and confront. (If you notice any sudden or farthermost swelling or if you proceeds a lot of weight really quickly, telephone call your md right away. This could be a sign of preeclampsia.)
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Tender breasts, which may leak a watery pre-milk chosen colostrum (kuh-LOSS-struhm)
  • Your omphalus may stick out
  • Trouble sleeping
  • The infant "dropping", or moving lower in your belly
  • Contractions, which can be a sign of existent or false labor

Every bit you lot almost your due date, your cervix becomes thinner and softer (called effacing). This is a normal, natural procedure that helps the birth canal (vagina) to open during the birthing process. Your doctor will check your progress with a vaginal exam as you near your due appointment. Get excited — the terminal countdown has begun!

Your developing baby

First trimester (calendar week 1-calendar week 12)

At four to 5 weeks:

Illustration of a fetus at 4 weeks

  • Your infant's brain and spinal cord accept begun to class.
  • The heart begins to course.
  • Arm and leg buds appear.
  • Your infant is now an embryo and one-twenty-fifth inch long.

At eight weeks:

Illustration of a fetus at 8 weeks

  • All major organs and external torso structures have begun to form.
  • Your baby's center beats with a regular rhythm.
  • The artillery and legs grow longer, and fingers and toes have begun to form.
  • The sex organs brainstorm to form.
  • The eyes have moved forward on the confront and eyelids have formed.
  • The umbilical cord is clearly visible.
  • At the end of eight weeks, your baby is a fetus and looks more similar a human being. Your infant is nearly 1 inch long and weighs less than one-eighth ounce.

At 12 weeks:

Illustration of a fetus at 12 weeks

  • The nerves and muscles brainstorm to work together. Your infant can make a fist.
  • The external sexual practice organs show if your baby is a boy or girl. A woman who has an ultrasound in the second trimester or later might exist able to find out the baby's sex.
  • Eyelids close to protect the developing optics. They will not open again until the 28th calendar week.
  • Head growth has slowed, and your infant is much longer. Now, at nearly 3 inches long, your infant weighs most an ounce.

Second trimester (week thirteen-week 28)

At 16 weeks:

Illustration of a fetus at 16 weeks

  • Muscle tissue and os go on to course, creating a more than complete skeleton.
  • Skin begins to form. Yous can virtually come across through information technology.
  • Meconium (mih-KOH-nee-uhm) develops in your infant'south intestinal tract. This will be your infant's commencement bowel move.
  • Your baby makes sucking motions with the mouth (sucking reflex).
  • Your infant reaches a length of near 4 to five inches and weighs almost iii ounces.

At 20 weeks:

Illustration of a fetus at 20 weeks

  • Your baby is more than active. You might feel slight fluttering.
  • Your infant is covered by fine, featherlike hair called lanugo (luh-NOO-goh) and a waxy coating called vernix. This protects the forming skin underneath.
  • Eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails, and toenails have formed. Your baby can fifty-fifty scratch itself.
  • Your baby tin can hear and swallow.
  • Now halfway through your pregnancy, your infant is most vi inches long and weighs about nine ounces.

At 24 weeks:

Illustration of a fetus at 24 weeks

  • Bone marrow begins to make blood cells.
  • Gustatory modality buds class on your babe's tongue.
  • Footprints and fingerprints accept formed.
  • Existent hair begins to abound on your infant'southward head.
  • The lungs are formed, but practice non work.
  • The hand and startle reflex develop.
  • Your baby sleeps and wakes regularly.
  • If your baby is a boy, his testicles begin to move from the abdomen into the scrotum. If your baby is a girl, her uterus and ovaries are in identify, and a lifetime supply of eggs take formed in the ovaries.
  • Your baby stores fat and has gained quite a bit of weight. Now at almost 12 inches long, your babe weighs about i½ pounds.

Tertiary trimester (week 29-calendar week 40)

At 32 weeks:

Illustration of a fetus at 32 weeks

  • Your babe's basic are fully formed, but still soft.
  • Your babe's kicks and jabs are forceful.
  • The eyes tin can open and close and sense changes in light.
  • Lungs are not fully formed, only do "animate" movements occur.
  • Your babe'south body begins to store vital minerals, such as atomic number 26 and calcium.
  • Lanugo begins to autumn off.
  • Your baby is gaining weight speedily, virtually i-half pound a week. Now, your baby is about 15 to 17 inches long and weighs nearly iv to four½ pounds.

At 36 weeks:

Illustration of a fetus at 36 weeks

  • The protective waxy coating called vernix gets thicker.
  • Body fat increases. Your baby is getting bigger and bigger and has less space to move around. Movements are less forceful, simply you will feel stretches and wiggles.
  • Your baby is about 16 to xix inches long and weighs nearly 6 to half dozen½ pounds.

Weeks 37–40:

Illustration of a fetus at 39 weeks

  • At 39 weeks, your baby is considered full-term. Your baby's organs are set to function on their ain.
  • Equally you near your due appointment, your baby may plow into a head-down position for birth. About babies "present" caput downwards.
  • At nascence, your baby may weigh somewhere between 6 pounds ii ounces and 9 pounds ii ounces and be 19 to 21 inches long. Nearly full-term babies fall inside these ranges. But healthy babies come in many different sizes.


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